As number one online premium health & beauty , Electronic/Tech retailer, is the ultimate destination for all your beauty needs. Carrying over 22,000 products with complimentary worldwide shipping to over 200 countries, we have become the online partner of choice for many leading brands.
With a portfolio of over 660 premium brands onsite, revenues have grown 40% year on year in the last 4 years, making our company one of the most successful beauty websites globally. With unrivaled technology and a team of world-class experts, and attracted over 10 million visits per month in 2017 alone; 71% of which were international.
As we continue to build our luxury portfolio of partners, we are constantly adapting to and welcoming new trends in the industry. With more clean, vegan and organic beauty brands than ever before across skin, hair and bodycare, we have everything onsite to suit every individual beauty need and concern.
our company is driven by a desire to create brilliant customer experiences, which are built from the insight and data executed through our integrated technology and expertise. Widening access to premium health & beauty , Electronic/Tech and empowering men and women all over the world, we are leading the online beauty movement. Dedicated to delivering the very best in beauty. Whatever your beauty & health concern or question please let us know.
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